
finished business card designs

Below is the front and back design for my personal business cards. I wanted a design which showed my personality and style and i feel these colours and illustrations perfectly sum me up and my style.  i did experiment with simpler designs (below) but felt they didn't portray me as an individual as well as the designs above.

design of my mount boards

Below are the dimensions for the mount boards we will be using and the plinth which is an optional addition. each person will have two of the mount boards but the measurements below are just for one.  Below is my proposed design for my area in the show. i will have various elements which promote myself as a designer and photographer and then various pieces of work from trough the year which i feel represent my style and show what i am capable of doing. i want my area to almost feel like the inside of a shop or company stand. everything will tie together and hopefully nothing will seem out of place. 

finished invitation designs

These are the finished invitation designs. we did have a lot of time to turn these around as the branded etc. wasn't yet finalised so we only had one day to do this. As we had limited time i decided to keep the design similar to the poster and branded design as that had already been checked off and agreed on by other areas of the arts department. If i had designed something completely new and different it would have taken time to get it signed off and then if there were any amendments wanted it would have gone over the time we had, so i took the decision upon myself to create an invitations similar to the posters. 

floor plan and attendance rota

Below is the finished floor plan for the exhibition.  Below is the attendance rota for the exhibition. 

finished poster and branding design

Below is the finished poster design for the exhibition. Each coloured line represents each course in the arts and the intertwining shows how each course merges in some areas and works together. The lines were inspiration from the London tube map.  Below is the style guide for the branding. 


We are now starting to look at the exhibition and how it will be branded and also how each room will be laid out. i have been assigned the role of creating the invitations. i wanted this job as i felt it was an important role as the invitations are the first things the visitors will see so they need to designed well and also convey the professionalism of the exhibition. We met at the exhibition space today to run through the layout of the room. we wanted to save to flow and give each persons space some freedom but we didn't want the room to be disorganised or messy. below is a rough sketch of the room layout. There will be five people on each side, two at the far end and then a further nine in the middle and one the closest end.

finished posters and web/app design

Below are my finished posters. They all have a barcode in which the public can scan on their phones, this will then take them to either an app or webpage where they can donate money to the local RSPCA branch.  below are my finished designs for the web page/app. i tried to keep it simple as i didn't want to confuse the public when all they were trying to do was quickly donate some money.