finished sketches/designs

Below are finished sketches ready to go onto the computer and get finished. 

these designs were of a range of birds from ravens to crows and eagles and i wanted to create a label with either a raven or crow as they can symbolise death and this fitted into an occult theme which i was interested in pursuing. 

again sticking with the occult them i designed a skull for a raven to stand upon and also experimented with the typeface for that label. when drawing birds i thought of the plague doctors and thought that would again fit into the occult/horror them. also designed a antelope head which i thought could work well on a label as a line drawing as animals are popular on alcohol labels. 

again looking into the gin reaper idea i decided to add the wire to the curved blade design and also drew a creepy fortune teller. 

taking that fortune teller design further i added in roses, a body, satan's heads and the crystal ball as i felt the head on its own didn't work and i wanted to get across that mystery/occult theme. 
