How do designers promote themselves online?

This day in age everything is online and everyone uses it, so what better place is there to try and promote yourself and your work. By having an online presence you can reach more people, more countries, and get more work than if you just stuck a flyer in a shop window. There are so many platforms to launch yourself off of online and its really easy to do so. So many artists, photographers and designers are getting noticed which wouldn't have before all because of their internet presence.

when researching designers and how they promote themselves online one of the biggest ways was social media. Near enough everyone uses social media and for designers this is a god send. Particularly Instagram as its all bout pictures and showing them off on your profile. This is perfect for designers as they can post as many pictures as they want, plus videos and everyone can easily access them as all images are in one place. There isn't any messing around with different folders etc. you can see everything and thats what people want. With the bio feature on Instagram designers can put in there contact information so that followers can easily get in contact with them for work. Also with Instagram and other social media sites you can link websites to them and this is key for designers as they can link their website to their profile and people can then visit this website and potential buy things from the designer. Below are a few examples of designers Instagram accounts:

Another promotion tool i found for designers online was Behance. Behance is similar to social media but its just for creatives. This is a site where designers can really show off and showcase their skills alongside other designers. the positive with bechance is that its only genuine designers or people genuinely interested in design which tend to use, Instagram and Facebook etc. you get a lot of fake accounts. below is some examples of bechance profiles: 

Another way to promote yourself online is to create a blog. Blogs are an easy and effective way to attract an audience and you can link your blog to your social media pages and vice versa. They allow you to express yourself and create an online world for your designs to live in and is a great way to get your style and character out there as blogs can be completely personalised unlike social media. below is some examples of design blogs: 
