
In this lecture we spoke mainly about portfolio's.

“The Portfolio is a creative act, showing your skills and imagination. It is also an act of communication and a tool for self-promotion. Demonstrate originality and inventiveness, but also accept the restrictions and conventions of professionalism, and show that you can get your ideas across in terms that working artists/designers can understand.”

Harold Linton

Portfolio Contents: 
  1. 10-12 pieces of work MAX!
  2. Brief description of the project, your thinking behind it etc.
  3. Create more than 12 so that you can adapt your portfolio.
  4. Show Live/commissioned projects as these are more important to recruiters.
  5. Order your portfolio so that every other page has something amazing.
  6. Start and end your portfolio with your strongest work.
  7. Show process sketches - not on all the designs, only a few.  

When talking through your portfolio talk proudly and confidently. Don't show anything you are not proud of or anything you will have to explain a lot as time is key and you don't want to waffle on. Try to have a second copy of your portfolio so you can live it behind for recruiters. Also know your portfolio inside out. 

