rendered designs

Below are the finished rendered designs. i wanted to keep with an occult and sophisticated horror theme throughout the designs. Im really happy with the outcomes and i feel because i was really good at managing my time for this brief i was able to do a lot more. I am proud of the finish on all designs but if i had a little more time i may have explored other areas bar the tattoo style/occult and sophisticated horror. 

this design i changed a bit from the drawing as it didn't work well land although it looks better now i still feel it looked better on paper than on screen. 

I'm really happy with this gin reaper design and after scrapping the barbed wire it worked a whole lot better as i could make the reaper bigger and fill more of the space up. also by making it coloured it help it stand out from the background. 

this survival mode design was inspired by old animal books which contain small illustrative sketches of the animals and an artist called 'lice4life' who does lino-cuts. i feel this design works well and although it wasn't one of my original ideas, i am happy i decided to experiment with it. 

this raven designed i feel turned out really well and with the added red circle and blood marked R for raven it definitely portrays death and sophisticated horror. 

this was my most simple design and i wanted to just do one type based design. although it is simple i think it could be very effective as a label as the colour contrast well and the type is big and bold. 
