RSPCA photoshoot - dogs

these are some images from my photoshoot this afternoon at the RSPCA dog kennels.

As i have a lot of good quality photos of the dogs but not of the cats as i had to use my phone, i will be changing the posters and ads about fighting/stoping canine/dog neglect instead of animal neglect. i feel this will give my posters a better context as the only photos i have to use which are of the right quality are of dogs, if i were to promote stoping animal neglect in general i feel people would question why the posters only show dogs. 

this is not a hinderance as dog neglect is actually a subject big to me and something i am personally involved in helping. i feel dogs are massively miss understood and certain types of breeds get wrongly accused and labelled. i am happy with the decision and root i am going down with advertising to stop dog neglect. 
